Board of Trustees
November 14, 2024
The North Arkansas College Board of Trustees met in regular session on Thursday 14, November 2024 in the Bennie Ellis board room. Chair Pledger called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Trustees Don Tomlinson, Scott Miller, Chris McNew, Pam Henry, Debbie Johnson, Luke Feighert, and Sarah Newman were present.
North Arkansas College personnel attending included Dr. Rick Massengale, Tavonda Brown, Richard Stipe, Dr. Matt Cardin, Mel Klipp, Jo Adams, Kris Greening, Brandon Cone, Micki Somers, Jennifair Ditmanson, Ryan Hoffman, Dr. Rodney Arnold, Jason Patience, Jon Burnside, and Harrison Daily Times guest, Scott McDonald.
Approval of Agenda
Chair Pledger asked if there were any changes to the agenda as presented. There being none a motion was made, unanimously approved.
Regular Reports
Finance Report: Richard Stipe shared the E&G and Auxiliary budget activities through September 2024.
In the E&G fund, Richard Stipe stated the total monthly revenue was $768,508 and the expenditures ended at $1,218,565. The year-to-date total of revenues was $7,208,208, and expenses were $5,693,656.
Auxiliary: The month's revenue totaled $37,987, and the expenditures totaled $378,468. The year-to-date revenues were $845,109, and expenses were $834,215.
Mr. Stipe provided an update on the funding for the CRMI building. He reminded the board that, during the special meeting last month, he had mentioned following up on the option of issuing bonds. He explained that there are two possible pathways for covering the additional expenses of the building: relying on cash reserves or issuing bonds. Mr. Stipe noted that the current interest rates are reasonable, and if rates decrease in the future, there is the option to refinance the bond. The advantage of issuing additional bonds is that it would allow the college to avoid dipping into its cash reserves. He shared the numbers from the bond underwriting company and outlined three key factors to consider: the available funds, interest rates, and the terms of the bond. Mr. Stipe stated that the board would work with the bond underwriters to gather proposals and present recommendations at the December board meeting.
President's Report
Dr. Massengale provided updates on several initiatives at the college. He highlighted the plant science class and the greenhouse staff, who were involved in a hands-on lab session focusing on the aquaponic growing system. He also mentioned the participation of area schools in the Northark Manufacturing Day, noting the growing interest in trade careers. Following that event, high school students visited the south campus for Health Career Day, where they learned more about health professions. Dr. Massengale announced the launch of the Allied Health Academy for high school students, which will allow them to complete prerequisite courses and be ready for enrollment in the program upon high school graduation.
Dr. Massengale congratulated the ACC annual conference trivia champions, who earned a $500 scholarship for a Northark student. He also shared that EDUMED.ORG ranked Northark's online Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) program third in the nation. Additionally, he recognized the Homecoming Royalty, Queen Samantha George, and King Wapiti Mefford, and acknowledged Cheryl Keymer and Charla Jennings for their 40+ years of service to Northark, presenting them with commemorative plaques. The IT department is also working to install a camera outside the CRMI building to monitor its construction progress.
Dr. Massengale spoke about the positive impact of the Scholarship Luncheon on students and reviewed the Fall 2024 concurrent enrollment data, which showed significant growth in area high school student enrollment. He reminded the board that registration for new students for the spring semester begins on November 18, 2024.
Consent Agenda
The consent agenda included the October regular meeting, special meeting minutes. Replacement position, PN Program Faculty.
Chair Pledger asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Trustee Henry made the motion, which was seconded by Trustee Newman, and unanimously approved.
Monitoring Report
Kris Greening presented the November monitoring report, which focused on increasing employee engagement. She summarized the results of the PACE Climate Survey, conducted every two years, which includes both full-time and part-time employees. The survey covers four areas: Institutional Structure, Student Focus, Supervisory Relationships, and Teamwork. In 2023, the college received a satisfaction score of 4.097 out of 5, which exceeded the national average of 3.84. The next PACE survey is scheduled for January 2025.
Mrs. Greening outlined recent and planned improvements aimed at increasing employee engagement, including better communication, the expansion of the Cabinet and Staff Senate, and the creation of an Employee Engagement Committee. This committee oversees initiatives such as the Day of Service, food drives for Pete’s Pantry, the Christmas Party, and Magnificent Monday/Friday events. Additionally, the REAPA (Retain Employees and Prevent Attrition) program has focused on enhancing work/life balance, offering flexible scheduling and remote workdays, and encouraging community volunteering.
New Business
Agenda items: Recommendation of Board of Trustees Election of Officers Committee and Board of Trustees seat vacancy.
Chari Pledger appointed Trustees Miller, Newman and chairman of the committee, Trustee McNew.
The Chair Pledger adjourned the meeting at 3:46 p.m.